Children/Adolescents and Parents
Help your children discover their purpose, acquire mental health and well-being competencies,
and develop their unique potentials.
All courses and programs offered by The Brzycki Group and the Center for the Self in Schools are:
Grounded in positive psychology, educational psychology, and human development research.
Personalized based on your own issues and concerns.
Available in a unique one-on-one format, as well as for small groups.
Delivered virtually or in-person.
Champions for Children and Adolescents
Champions is a teen empowerment program for young people and their families. Participants become champions in their day-to-day family life, social activities, and academic achievements. They learn and develop mental health and well-being competencies that will last a lifetime. We have many program formats and lengths available to customize to fit your child’s particular needs.
Format: (8) 2-hour sessions
Participants: Children and Adolescents
Group Size:1 to 8 people
Locations: Virtual; at The Brzycki Group; or a location convenient for you
Cost: Please inquire
From past Champions adolescent participants:
“I had no clear goals and even worse, I didn’t really have any idea what my achievements were. Without knowing my goals or achievements I had no idea where I was going or where I had been. It caused me to have a serious lack of identity. And worst of all, because I had no idea where I was going or how to get there, I felt like I was standing on the side of the road watching everyone else pass me by. Luckily around the same time I met a man named Henry Brzycki who showed me that if you think life just happens to you, it actually ends up passing you by. You truly have to go out and attack it and make it your own.”
“Henry is the blue bird of happiness! I would not be the person that I am today without him and his work, thank you Henry for saving my life, I love you.”

New in 2025
The Champions in Life Workshop
Sign up now for our new 3-session format on how to apply 10 essential skills from our new book to optimize your teen’s mental health.
Pre-order the book---a must-read for building resilient, happy, and healthy teens:
Champions in Life: The Playbook for Teens and their Parents with 10 Essential Skills to Optimize Mental Health
Champions for Parents and Families
Champions is a teen empowerment program for young people and their families. In the version specifically designed for parents/caregivers and families, participants learn how to guide their children how to become champions in their day-to-day family life, social activities, and academic achievements. Parents/caregivers learn how to impart mental health and well-being competencies that will empower their children and teens for a lifetime. We have many program formats and lengths available to customize to fit your particular needs.
Format: (8) 2-hour sessions
Participants: Parents/Caregivers and Families
Group Size:1 to 8 people
Locations: Virtual; at The Brzycki Group; or a location convenient for you
Cost: Please inquire
From past Champions adolescent participants:
“It is ridiculous how little you charge for how much we (parents, children, and our family) get. I cry just thinking about how proud I am of my son and how your work contributed to his success and happiness.”
“I have used the Champions principles to change my entire family culture for the better!”
Purpose and Possibilities for Parents and Families
Purpose and Possibilities is essential for living a happy, health, flourishing life! This course is for families who want to:
Know how to see and achieve your unique potentials in life.
Learn how to heal from past traumas, how to transition to a new stage in life, and how to tap into your innate passion for making your unique difference in the world.
Access to new possibilities heretofore unavailable to you—to make
a difference. -
See and feel the power of your dreams.
Want to live the life you were meant to live.
Those who are serious about understanding themselves, infusing meaning into life, improving their health and well-being, becoming more mindful and present to the everyday experiences in life, and creating a better world will benefit greatly from the evidence-based work. Well-being is not simply the absence of mental or physical illness. Rather, it is the more positive connotation of how well your life is going. Well-being encompasses emotional health, vitality, and satisfaction; life direction; ability to make a difference; the quality of one’s relationships; and living a good life to that of your own potential.
Format: (8) 2-hour sessions
Participants: Parents/Caregivers and Families
Group Size:1 to 8 people
Locations: Virtual; at The Brzycki Group; or a location convenient for you
Cost: Please inquire

In this course the psychology of well-being includes understanding purpose and meaning in life, developing a sense of belonging, taking care of physical needs, understanding intellectual strengths and unique capabilities, understanding the dimensions of well-being to support your lifestyle choices, and developing the ability to feel a full range of emotions including resentments and regrets, anger and sadness, and happiness and joy.
College Success for Adolescents and Young Adults
This course is for students transitioning from high school to college and/or current college students who want to get the most out of their college years. The College Success course imparts a psychology-of-well-being framework so that students take charge of their own life pathways. The College Success course is for adolescents and young adults who want their higher educational experiences to best support their unique vision for a great life. This course helps families to get the maximum return on their college investment and young adults to get the most out of their college experience.
Format: (8) 2-hour sessions
Participants: Adolescents and Young Adults
Group Size: 1
Locations: Virtual; at The Brzycki Group; or a location convenient for you
Cost: Please inquire
From past College Success parent participants:
“My family has been blessed by the Brzyckis’ commitment to my children’s future, they are soaring toward their futures!”
“The Brzyckis are smart and very professional consultants. They gave us a lot of great advice!”
“Henry and Elaine are very knowledgeable, caring and insightful professionals. They gave us so much confidence.
From past College Success adolescent participants:
“Henry and Elaine are very energetic and insightful. I liked how they were always accessible and willing to help. They are very positive people!”
College Success for Adolescents and Young Adults
From time to time when making transitions in life, we need to take some time for ourselves in order to put into the most effective context or perspective possible, the issues and concerns that are showing up as obstacles, limitations, or restrictions. These issues and concerns can dramatically impact our ability to see and achieve what is possible for ourselves and our relationships, professional life, business organizations, family, and children.
Format: (5) or (10) 2-hour sessions
Participants: Parents/Caregivers
Group Size: 1
Locations: Virtual; at The Brzycki Group; or a location convenient for you
Cost: $180/hour
The Consultation Service is for you if you want to open up a new possibility that heretofore was unavailable to you. Participants pay a onetime retainer fee depending upon the nature and substance of needs. After an initial assessment session, a recommendation is made for the length of your personalized program. We conduct educational and psychological assessments, recommend appropriate interventions and possible other professional resources. In addition, we coordinate care services by serving as a resource to parents, schools, agencies, and the clinical evaluation team.