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Listing of interviews, book reviews, videos, press releases, and articles.

Book Reviews:

BookLife Publishers Weekly Review -- "Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life,by Publishers Weekly, June 25, 2021


BookTrib Review -- "Purpose and Possibilities: How to Transform Your Life Gets to the Heart of Healing," by Barbara Wilkov, July 21, 2021


TuftsNow (Tufts University magazine) -- "Advice for Parents and Caregivers on Teens and Mental Health: From anxiety and depression to stress and social media, many teens are struggling. Tufts experts share tips for how to help through prevention and treatment", interview featuring Henry Brzycki, Ph.D. , Tufts University alumnus


BookTrib Featured Author Spotlight -- “Mental Health Professionals Henry and Elaine Brzycki on the Road to Real Well-Being,” by Judy Moreno, August 2, 2021



Academia Smart Briefs -- Well-Being Pods Benefit Children


Centre Daily Times -- Limitless benefits to finding one's purpose


eSchool News -- How should we define SEL in schools?: A quick look at social emotional learning frameworks and how they fit into the classroom


eSchool News -- 10 signs you're doing SEL right


eCampus News – Student well-being and SEL are more important than you think

Education professionals across all levels of K-16 education want to make a real difference for students, and many are aware of the growing bodies of work in SEL and student well-being. Yet there is general misunderstanding about what these bodies of work mean and how to use them to produce mental health and well-being outcomes through schooling. Additionally, there are numerous models from which to choose, such as SEL; multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS); school-based mental health curricula; bullying and school violence prevention programs; anxiety, depression and suicide prevention and treatment models; trauma informed instruction; school climate programs; whole child education; student success programs; life coaching; and academic advising; among others. We often hear educators ask, “Where do I start?”


eCampus News -- It's Time to Redefine Student Success


Inside Higher Ed -- Faculty Members Must Play a Role in Student Mental Health


Penn Live/Patriot News -- A call for mental health for all: A bold vision for Pennsylvania

Governor Wolf and Secretary Rivera can do more to impact the mental health and well-being of school children in Pennsylvania; in the void of leadership schools are issuing “river rocks” and “baseball bats” as solutions to protect students. Instead of our schools and communities being the victims of violence, they can be the source of teaching positive psychological health and well-being. We can institute newly researched best practices with the commitment of concerned and compassionate and effective leaders.


Penn State News -- ‘Mental Health for All Toolkit’ addresses many of today’s societal problems

The Brzyckis offer research-based, evidence-based methods to take aim at these issues and empower educators, students and parents by giving them the tools to try and turn the tide on some of today’s societal problems in the nation’s youth.


KOAM News in Missouri -- Mental Health Moves to the Forefront of School Safety Concerns

The KOAM television station in Missouri produced a thorough story about the Carl Junction, Missouri community’s growing mental health needs. The four states area school board and school leaders are engaged in thoughtful discussions about student safety. Reporter Lisa Olliges clearly understands this issue and importance of “Mental Health for All” and The Brzycki Group & The Center for the Self in School’s professional development approach.


Ink Link News in Manchester, NH -- New Hampshire can do better at creating a 21st century education system


Concord Monitor -- 19th Century education model not what 21st century students need


Centre Daily Times -- Silence is Deafening on Children’s Mental Health


Centre Daily Times -- Preventing Mental Illness: Learning about the self is the number one protective factor

Centre Daily Times -- What we can do now to prevent violence through schooling


Centre Daily Times -- Why standardized testing and our current education model keeps us stuck in the 19th century


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